Think back to when you were a teenager, sexual feelings were very confusing. Just because some teens do question doesn't mean every teenager questions. It is true that at times during adolescence or young adulthood, college age, that some people may have doubts about their sexuality and may even experiment. They tell me they will take their teen to someone who will fix them. When I explain to parents there is nothing to fix, many parents do not believe me. Many parents still consider these feelings to be a teenage phase or that someone convinced their child to think and feel this way. No they bring their teen into me so I can fix them. They do not bring the teen in for therapy to help them deal with the social pressures they are encountering at school and other places. I still have parents who bring their teenager who identifies as homosexual or transgender into therapy.
While there has been progress is it enough? As a psychotherapist who treats adolescents, I would say no.